Форум «Мир фантастики» — фэнтези, фантастика, конкурсы рассказов

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Сериалы Телесериалы, игровые и анимационные.

Опции темы
Старый 24.11.2007, 19:47
Аватар для СУМРАК
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
Сообщений: 5,899
Репутация: 959 [+/-]
Металлопокалипсис / Metalocalypse (2006)

Создатели: Брендон Смолл (Brendon Small), Томми Блача (Tommy Blacha).
Голоса озвучки: Брендон Смолл (Brendon Small; озвучивает Нейтана Экспложна, Пиклза, Сквисгара Сквигелфа, Чарльза Офденсена и других), Томми Блача (Tommy Blacha; озвучивает Вильяма Мёрдерфейса, Токи Вотуза и других), Марк Хемилл (Mark Hamill; озвучивает Сенатора Стампингстона, Джин-Пири, Мр. Салация и др.), Виктор Брандт (Victor Brandt; озвучивает Генерала Крозьера, Кардинала Рейвенвуда и др.).
Количество сезонов: 2
Кол-во эпизодов: 35
Продолжительность серии: 11 мин.

Dethklok — группа играющая Death metal, имеющаяя огромное количество фанатов, а так же обладающая сильным влиянием на политическую и социальную обстановку в мире. Однако, группе мешает некое общество, называющее себя «трибунал», которое пытается избавить мир от этих сумасшедших чертей, но попытки тщетны. Dethklok настолько богаты и популярны, что их уже ничего не может остановить. Металлопокалипсиса не избежать...

Истина где-то рядом... Истина в МЕТАЛЕ! Великолепный мультсериал с самым шикарным саундтреком. Как и у героев, у сериала целая армия фанатов. Недавно даже был выпущен альбом Dethalbum, полноценные и дополненные треки из сериала.

Состав Dethklok
Скрытый текст - Dethklok:
Нейтан Экспложн (Nathan Explosion) — вокалист
Вильям Мёрдерфейс (William Murderface) — бас-гитарист
Сквисгар Сквигелф (Skwisgaar Skwigelf) — соло гитарист
Токи Вотуз (Toki Wartooth) — ритм гитарист
Пиклз (Pickles) — барабанщик

Тексты песен
Скрытый текст - *:

Скрытый текст - Awaken:

Musta krakish,
Musta krakish,

The time has come, to awaken him.

I call upon the ancient lords of the underworld,
To bring forth this beast and,

Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken,
Take the land, that must be taken.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken,
Devour worlds, smite forsaken

Rise up from your thousandth year of sleep,
Break forth from your grave eternally.

I command you to rise, rise, rise, rise,
rise, rise, rise, rise.

I'm the conjurer of demons,
I'm the father of your death.

I bring forth the ancient evil,
I control his every breath.

I instigate your misfortune,
With the birth of killing trolls.

I awaken armageddon,
Feeding on a thousand souls.




Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken,
Take the land, that must be taken.
Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken,
Devour worlds, smite forsaken

Rise up from your thousandth year of sleep,
Break forth from your grave eternally.

We will die and then we'll all be burned
Mustakrakish king and death to worlds.

I command you to
Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise,
Rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise, rise,
And awaken.

Better Metal Snake
Скрытый текст - Better Metal Snake:

War has been declared
We are forced to fight
Takes lives of my men
My Kingdom falls this night

You conquer with your serpent
and it's scales of molten steel


Castles lay in ruin
Carcasses ignite
Bretheren's heads on posts
But still I must fight

I conjure with my fury
A masterful decree

I will build a beast
That will conquer you
Built of metal gears
Spears to run you through


Now go seek devour
Inject your poison
And take their lives away


It's gonna take your life tonight
Mechanical reptilian might
Shed its metal skin and destroy
It's such a better METAL SNAKE

Birthday Dethday
Скрытый текст - Birthday Dethday:

Many years ago today something grew
inside of your mother...
That thing was you



Did she scream did she cry
Only those that are born are the ones that
Get to die

One more year closer to dying
Rotting organs ripping grinding
Biological discordance
Birthday equals self abhorrence

Years keep passing aging always
Mutate into vapid slugs
Doctor gives a new prescription
Bullet in a fucking gun

One more year closer to dying
Plastic surgeons fuel the lying
You forget why you came in here
Your mind rots with every New Year

For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die

Now you're old and full of hatred
Take a pill to masturbatred
Children point to you and scream
Because they will become that thing

One more year of further suffering
There's no point of fucking bluffing
Open up your DETHDAY present
It's a box of fucking nothing

For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die


For the DETH of thee
You have little time
And you're running out of life

Happy Birthday
You're gonna die

Blood Ocean
Скрытый текст - Blood Ocean:

Blood Ocean
The night
The mind
Blood Ocean
The land's coagulated
And my mind's incarcerated
But my helmet's ventilated
With the souls correlated
Though my father's fascinated
With the premises negated
And the night will be berated
With the souls of the deflated
Bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed
Blood Ocean
Bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed
Bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed
Blood Ocean
The land's coagulated
And my mind's incarcerated
But my helmet's ventilated
With the souls correlated
Though my father's fascinated
With the premises negated
And the night will be berated
With the souls of the deflated
You are gonna lose your mind
Tonight...In oceans...of blood
You are gonna drown and die
Tonight...In oceans...In oceans...In oceans...In oceans of Blood

Скрытый текст - Bloodrocuted:

You've been targeted in the night
by violent mercenaries.
Your identity's been confused
with one that looks like you
You're a simple man living life.
You are an electrician.
But there's a bounty on your head
A billion unmarked travelers checks.


Find your way deep into the woods.
The dogs can smell your path.
Try to find a way out of this.
There seems to be no chance.
Bounty hunters closer to you.
Start to remember back.
When you studied biology
back in your high school class.

Wait now, what did they say
about the human body and proportions of things?
Blood is an energy conductor.
I am full of that all I need is an outlet.

They're getting closer
but now you have a plan.
Lead them to the generator
where there's solid land.
The concrete floor will do just fine
and electric outlets.
Open up your veins and splash the blood
and hit the power lines.


You'll be bloodrocuted
You'll be bloodrocuted

You'll be bloodrocuted right now

Enemies stand dead in your blood.
The smell of cooking skin.
All of them with their hair on end
Their eyes exploded in.
You stand with your arms bleeding still
You cannot stop the flow.
Though you are the victor tonight
your time has come to go.

go go go go go go
Your time has come to go
go go go go go go
Your time has come to go

Wait now, what did they say
about the human body and proportions of things?
Blood is an energy conductor.
I am full of that all I need is an outlet.


Briefcase Full Of Guts
Скрытый текст - Briefcase Full Of Guts:

Punch your card 'cause your working day has started
and you're pushing hard for employee of the month
You got your tools of business and
They're bloodied by your clients and
You're off to work with your
Briefcase full of guts

Door to door you are searching for a buyer
Who will take the terms of your policy

You got an invitation to their living room
You're gonna demonstrate your products privately

You know that

I'm an employee
I have a degree
I'll fulfill your need
I will make you bleed
I'll rise to the top
Best one on the team
Kill outside the box
Hold you as you scream

I'll divide you into pieces
Sell them back and raise the price
Make a profit off your interests
You'll increase my sales tonight

I will increase
I must increase

(примечание: Always Be Killing)

I'm an employee
I have a degree
I'll fulfill your need
I will make you bleed
I'll rise to the top
Best one on the team
Kill outside the box
Hold you as you scream

Скрытый текст - Castratikron:

Born of evil in a fiery volcano
On a mutilated mission to inflict
merciless pain
Sacrifice your soul to the deity of DEATH
She's concocted your murder
And you've lost all your defenses
She was summoned by the
ancient wizards
To carry demon children in the
poisonous flood
Day of her conception the prophecy
was written
On the scrotum of a wizard in his
testicle blood

Run but you can't hide
The hunt is on
Your life is gone
Eyes they will go blind
If looked beyond
Your life is gone

Sharpened claws poisoned tip manicure
Painted skin hiding the beast within
Daggered heels designed to cut your face
No remorse crushing the human race

Sharpened claws poisoned tip manicure
Painted skin hiding the beast within
Daggered heels designed to cut your face
No remorse KILLING the human race

Скрытый текст - Detharmonic:

I want to keep my money,
and give away absolutely nothing
to the government,
who moderates my spending
and obliterates depending
on what time of the year.
Brutality is NEAR.

In the form of income tax,
I'd rather take a fucking axe
to my face. Blow up this place
with you all in it
I'd do it in a minute.

If I could, I'd write off your murder.
I'd save all of my receipts,
because I'd rather you be dead
than lose a tiny shred
of what I made this fiscal year.

I'd rather you be dead,
than ponder parting with my second home.
I'd rather you be dead
than consider not opening a restaurant.

I'd rather you be dead.
I'd rather you be dead.

Prepare the laser beam.
We gonna use it tonight.
Engage the laser beam.
It's gonna end your life.

We're gonna use it tonight.

If I could I'd write off your murder
I'd save all of my receipts
because I'd rather you be dead
than lose a tiny shred
of what I made this fiscal year.

I'd rather you be dead,
than ponder parting with my second home.
I'd rather you be dead
than consider not opening a restaurant.

I'd rather you be dead.
I'd rather you be dead now.

Be dead now.
Be dead now.
Be dead now.
Be dead.

Скрытый текст - Deththeme:

Do anything for Dethklok
Do anything for Dethklok
Do anything for Dethklok
Do anything for Dethklok


Teach thee


Skwisgaar Skwigelf, taller than a tree
Toki Wartooth not a bumblebee
William Murderface Murderface Murderface
Pickles the drummer Doodily Doo,
Ding Dong Doodily Doodily Doo
Nathan Explosion!

Duncan Hills Jingle
Скрытый текст - Duncan Hills Jingle:

Do you folks like coffee?
Real coffee
From the Hills
Of Colombia

The Duncan Hills will wake you
From a thousand deaths
A cup of blackened blood
(Dying, dying)
You're dying for a cup

Guatemala blend
French vanilla roast
(Dying, dying)
You're dying for a cup

Prepare for ultimate flavor
You're gonna get some milk!
And scream... for your cream

Duncan Hills
Duncan Hills
Duncan Hills


Face Fisted
Скрытый текст - Face Fisted:

am be dangerous now
Not me hurt when stairs fell down
Be pushed by you me hit head
Me nose broke
Soon you be dead
Soon you be dead

So strong my face is
You punch break fingers
Kick me you're limping
Stab me you're bleeding
I am be angerous now
You throwing rock at me
Hit eye and it no hurt me
I'm strong
You're not
You're not

I'm making time for fighting
I'm clearing time for hitting
We'll meet and I will beat you
Our schedules permitting
I pick out lighting outfit
Don't want my pants too tight
Need clothes to breathe to beat you
You'll be beaten down tonight

I'm so fucking tough
I'm so fucking tough
I'm so fucking tough
I'm so fucking tough
You're an ugly man
You're as dumb as sand
Your mom's fucking fat
Your mom blew a rat
You were a mistake
You have sex with cake
You think you're so tough
You're a living bluff
I will put you down
I will make you frown
I will make you bleed
I am filled with speed
I cannot feel pain
I might be insane
I am victory
I write history
Feel my fist
On your face
You hate this
I feel great

One two three four five six seven eight
One two three four five six seven eight

So strong my face is
You punch break fingers
Kick me you're limping
Stab me you're bleeding
I am be furious now
You say the bad word at me
You pull a string and trip me
I fall down
you run

I'm making time for fighting
I think it's time to beat you
I think it's a good decision
That I destroy and teach you
You put on very fast shoes
And try to run away
I'm very strong and fast though
You're going down today

You're so fucking weak
I'm so fucking strong
You're so fucking weak
I'm so fucking strong
You're so fucking weak
I'm so fucking strong
You're so fucking weak
I'm so fucking strong

You're an ugly man
You're as dumb as sand
Your mom's fucking fat
Your mom blew a rat
You were a mistake
You have sex with cake
You think you're so tough
You're a living bluff
I will put you down
I will make you frown
I will make you bleed
I am filled with speed
I cannot feel pain
I might be insane
I am victory
I write history
Feel my fist
On your face
You hate this
I feel great

You're an ugly man
You're as dumb as sand
Your mom's fucking fat
Your mom blew a rat
You were a mistake
You have sex with cake
You think you're so tough
You're a living bluff
I will put you down
I will make you frown
I will make you bleed
I am filled with speed
I cannot feel pain
I might be insane
I am victory
I write history

Fan Song
Скрытый текст - Fan Song:

You people out there give us something more than just record sales
You give us something to hate
And we hate you, you brainless mutants

Hate (16 раз)

You hunched and blinded mutants
Living in chat rooms
You masturbate on the sheets
Your mothers clean for you

You have lined my pockets
Overflowed with gold
You're living with your parents
And you're 35 years old

You're a bunch of banks
That I'd like to rob
You're my online cash transaction
You're my future stocks

Transfer you like money
To a Swiss account
Spend you on an impulse buy
And zero you all out

Hate (16 раз)

You sad and putrid losers
Complaining on the couch
Think you're fucking better than us?'
You can't leave your house

Deluded little maggots
Fold your arms and frown
Go to work and make me money
Before I put you down

You're a bunch of banks
That I'd like to rob
You're my online cash transaction
You're my future stocks

Transfer you like money
To a Swiss account
Spend you on an impulse buy
And zero you all out

Hate (16 раз)

I would like to get some sleep
But you keep buying all our things
My overhead is way too deep
For us to not make all these things

It's way too cynical, you see?
Hating what's supporting me
I am not you, I thank the gods
And if I were, I'd die like dogs

Die (30 раз)

You're a bunch of banks
That I'd like to rob
You're my online cash transaction
You're my future stocks

Transfer you like money
To a swiss account
Spend you an on impulse buy
And zero you all out

You're a credit card
That I will defile
Every time I max you out
I get a thousand miles

You're a brand new car
That I do not need
Wrap you round a telephone pole
Shrug it off and leave

Just follow me... Down the elevator...
Through the gates... down the stairs...
Just keep on walking... through the hallway...

Now open the door...

Go Forth And Die

Скрытый текст - Go Forth And Die:

Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Now you've graduated, mind is overrated,
thrust into the world, spirit desecrated
Clock is calling backwards to the time of death
life expectance school, black religion left
Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Go forth, be conquered, go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die
Go forth and die

Go Into The Water
Скрытый текст - Go Into The Water:

We call out to the beasts of the sea to come forth and join us, this night is yours
Because, one day we will all be with you in the black and deep
One day we will all go into the water

Go into the water
live there die there
live there die

We reject our earthly fires
Gone are days of land empires
Lungs transform to take in water
Cloaked in scales we swim and swim on

We are alive, and we'll metamorphasize
And we'll sink as we devolve back to beasts
Our home is down here, and we've known this for years
We must conquer from the sea, we build an army with water steeds

We'll rise, from our depths down below
Release yourselves, drown with me
We will conquer land with water

Gone are days of land empires
Lungs transform to take in water
Cloaked in scales we swim and swim on
We swim on
We swim on

Скрытый текст - Hatredcopter:

I fly a gigantic monster
I am captain evil stomper
I get to wear big black helmet
I pilot the Hatredcopter

I fly the beast made of steel
Then I can cut the night
Gas tank is filled with vengeance
Machine guns shooting spite
Can't find the thing that makes this thing take a hard turn right
I follow where it leads me by battered wings of might

You will most likely die by the hands of my arm
When I come and fly and take off-a your face
with the front of my Hatredcopter


I fly a gigantic monster
I am captain evil stomper
I get to wear big black helmet
I pilot the Hatredcopter

I fly the Hatredcopter
I'm going to hunt you down
I'm getting lots of money
for all the bounties found
Can't seem to find the button
that turns the radar on
Can't work the hatredcopter
The hunt for you is done

I am likely to find
for my failure to fly
that I will be fired
for not killing you
cause that is my job

You will most likely die by the hands of my arm
When I come and fly and take off-a your face
with the front of my Hatredcopter


Скрытый текст - Hatredy:

Strapping for the jury,
tell your friends of fury,
comedy is death, hatredy.
Step into this moonlight,
"doctor in this dead light"
Tragic running more, Hatredy.
Through the rape of night, blinded by your might,
Irony in spite, sometimes "in the light"
Think to die on stage, shredded by your rage
Hating your own face, comedy is disgrace
You I Hate, Await your fate,
Your time has come, to die on stage.

Скрытый текст - Mermaider:

There are no fingerprints deep under water, nothing to tie one to a crime.

And if you seek vengeance, all you need are instruments of pain.

You need your:

Knives? Check.
Rope? Check.
Dagger? Check.
Chains? Check.
Locks? Check.
Laser Beams? Check.
Acid? Check.
Body Bag? Check.

Murmaider (16 раз)

But beware! For when you quench your blood thirst, others will seek their vengeance on you, and they won't rest until you're dead.

They'll have their:

Shiv? Check.
Pipe? Check.
Hammer? Check.
Axe? Check.
Subject? Check.
Location? Check.
Desire? Check.
Vengeance? Check.

Hold your breath, swim and strain -the smell of death, can't escape.
Underground I tried to murder, tried to murder some mermaids.
It's so cold, they don't know what you've done, you can't run.
Vengeance is below for thee, thousand leagues below the sea.
You've been tracked, you've been seen murdering the next kin.
In their homes [you] drank their blood, wash your face in ? and ?
Now you swim, try to hide, heart beats faster from inside.
? a big charade, your life is ended by mermaids.

Mermaider (16 раз)

Swords? Check.
Saws? Check.
Clubs? Check.
Claws? Check.
Hatred? Check.
Anger? Check.
Mermaid? Check.
Murder? Check.


Your life was ended by mermaids.

The Lost Vikings
Скрытый текст - The Lost Vikings:

Riding, and riding, we search across the land
The snow, and wind, has frozen the hearts of man
But we ride
We ride

Many days ago we left our home
With swords to ride into the night
Fighting side by side to destroy our foes
And leave them without life

We stop, consider the land that we travelled
Our map's at home, direction unravelled
But we ride
We ride

Many days ago we left our homes,
With swords to ride into the night
Fighting side by side to destroy our foes
And leave them without life

So much time has passed since we left our land
That we've become concerned
And we'll never find the battle
That we should have fought and won

But we won't stop searching

Lost but still we ride
Search until we die

We ride
We ride

Hungry and tired the frigid plain yeilds little
We trudge on further, eating pride and snow that's brittle

We ride
We ride

We come upon a witch who takes us in
To let us share her mighty fire
She asks of us our story and we lie and say
We ride around for hire
She asks us if we'd like to have her map
And points us in some direction
But we are far too proud and strong so we keep silent
And ignore her suggestion

Lost but still we ride
Search until we die
All the fault of pride
The gods weep in the night

Lost but still we ride
Search until we die
All the fault of pride
The gods weep in the night

We ride
We ride

Скрытый текст - Thunderhorse:







Thunder, Thunder...
Thunder, Thunder, Thunder...


Последний раз редактировалось СУМРАК; 26.12.2010 в 20:20.
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Старый 24.11.2007, 21:44
Аватар для Tiffani
Мастер слова
Регистрация: 15.02.2006
Сообщений: 1,159
Репутация: 37 [+/-]
Обожаю сериал - хороший стеб, но без стереотипов. И постоянный источник цитат.
Скрытый текст - :
Из серии: Власть тмы, данной мне, повелеваю - Жан Пьер, восстань и сделай нам бутерброд!
Anything For Progress!
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Старый 25.11.2007, 11:31
Аватар для Дымка
Королева Мира Фантастики
Регистрация: 27.01.2007
Сообщений: 3,819
Репутация: 1727 [+/-]
Я в экстаже от этого мультфильма. Токи самый самый, а Натан мне Рыську напомнил
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Старый 11.03.2008, 19:08
Аватар для Corvus Corax
Свой человек
Регистрация: 31.07.2006
Сообщений: 404
Репутация: 14 [+/-]
Недавно начал смотреть-очень понравилось. Стиль очень необычный. Хотя 10 минут - маловато, конечно.
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Старый 11.03.2008, 19:12
Аватар для СУМРАК
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
Сообщений: 5,899
Репутация: 959 [+/-]
Corvus Corax, 11 минут... =) но в эти 11 минут много чего заснули... =3
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Старый 11.03.2008, 19:28
Аватар для Corvus Corax
Свой человек
Регистрация: 31.07.2006
Сообщений: 404
Репутация: 14 [+/-]
Я округлил.
Но сюжет и динамика присутствуют!
Очень радуют транспортные средства группы. особенно вертолёт и автобус.
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Старый 11.03.2008, 19:31
Аватар для СУМРАК
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
Сообщений: 5,899
Репутация: 959 [+/-]
Еще дизайн дэдфонов (телефоны) радует... такими убить как делать нечего...
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Старый 14.12.2008, 00:12
Аватар для Iron Man
Регистрация: 05.01.2006
Сообщений: 4,409
Репутация: 488 [+/-]
Отправить Skype™ сообщение для Iron Man
Иногда смотрю этот стебный мультик:) Это наверное единственная группа, которая сделала про себя такое вот "кино")
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Старый 14.12.2008, 11:13
Аватар для Etvilom Dreg
Свой человек
Регистрация: 09.09.2006
Сообщений: 397
Репутация: 38 [+/-]
Замечательный мульт, полный первоклассного стёба. Дедушкин гитар :)))))))))))))))
Приятно иметь подобное на диске и пересматривать по настроению.
Не стоит ползать, если можно лететь

Бывший корректор бывшего журнала "Легион"

Последний раз редактировалось Etvilom Dreg; 14.12.2008 в 11:14. Причина: очепятка
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Старый 16.12.2008, 09:52
Забанен за мат по собственному желанию
Регистрация: 14.08.2008
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Класный мульт. Каждая серия - отжиг. "А ещё я был в тире" - :)))))))
Просмотрел уже 6 серий. Пока круче всего по музыке - поездка в Финляндию.
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Старый 16.12.2008, 19:25
Аватар для Назгыль
Регистрация: 29.11.2008
Сообщений: 55
Репутация: 3 [+/-]
Самое класное здесь - сами персонажи.У каждого свои уникалные тараканы в голове.Точно ни с кем не спутаешь.
Снег идет,и все в смятеньи,
Все пускается в полет:
Черной лестницы ступени,
Перекрестка поворот.
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Старый 16.12.2008, 19:44
Аватар для Argumentator
double mind
Регистрация: 14.05.2007
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Проснись, проснись, Мустакракеш, Тролль Озера!
Я ржал. "Усни, усни, Как-Вас-Тамишь, Дракон Космоса!" ))
На прошлом концерте мне вырвали глаз и силком заставили съесть его. "Дезклок" рулит!!!
Мульт просто супер стебный ))
"В действительности всё не так, как на самом деле." Станислав Ежи Лец

Последний раз редактировалось Argumentator; 16.12.2008 в 19:46.
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Старый 16.12.2008, 21:20
Аватар для Tanatos
Мастер слова
Регистрация: 30.12.2005
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Отправить Skype™ сообщение для Tanatos
ААа! У меня только первый сезон, 14 серий. Кто знает, где остальное скачать? Плиз, подскажите )))
Иногда людям бессмысленно указывать на очевидное – все равно не поймут.
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Старый 16.12.2008, 21:46
Аватар для СУМРАК
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
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Tanatos, знать давно пара, где скачать можно...
ну если тебе так лень искать, то вот...
Скрытый текст - *:
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Старый 21.02.2009, 00:48
Аватар для Iron Man
Регистрация: 05.01.2006
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Отправить Skype™ сообщение для Iron Man
Жаль, что половина 2-го и 2-я часть первого сезонов не переведена на русский... с субтитрами усё...

Породия на Лайхо рулит))
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Старый 14.03.2009, 15:42
Аватар для СУМРАК
Регистрация: 14.01.2006
Сообщений: 5,899
Репутация: 959 [+/-]
Томми Блача поведал, что к третьему сезону собираются сильно обновить сериал и вставить в него новые элементы... какие, пока не известно.
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Старый 17.11.2009, 08:27
Аватар для Софи
Регистрация: 02.03.2007
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Репутация: 247 [+/-]
Отправить Skype™ сообщение для Софи
Еще один мой любимый мультик. куча позитива и стеба. Чего только стои опенинг: меня убил мотоцикл с четырмя люльками. А чего стоит эпизод про семейный дезметалл или про Мердерфэйса и религию, ну или любой другой.
Не надевайте на меня смирительную рубашку. Она мешает мне думать.

Некроз мозга, апоптоз души.

Болен - мертв - забыт.
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Старый 26.12.2010, 19:14
Аватар для AnneLinn
Историческая личность
Регистрация: 24.11.2010
Сообщений: 2,803
Репутация: 1703 [+/-]
Отправить Skype™ сообщение для AnneLinn
Этот мульт просто не могла не полюбить, так как в нем есть две вещи, к которым я неравнодушна: метал и стеб). Герои прелестны, а главное, что ни фраза, то цитата. Серия про приезд родственников - что - то с чем - то).
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Старый 30.12.2010, 07:40
Аватар для Текели
Регистрация: 21.07.2009
Сообщений: 216
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Мультик полный отборного тупого юмора. Рядом с DMC даже не стоит.
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Старый 26.04.2011, 12:13
Аватар для Элвенлорд Гримуар
Теперь я Демиург. Почему вы ещё стоите?
Регистрация: 25.10.2010
Сообщений: 2,439
Репутация: 939 [+/-]
Я первый раз посмотрел Дэтклок в далёооком 2008 году... Ржал.
Сегодня посмотрел 11 серию первого сезона. РЖАЛ!!! Мам тоже ржал, особенно когда Жирдяй тянулся за гамбургайрами из мусорного бака. Она вообще нечасто смеётся от мультиков, а сегодня... Это уже о многом говорит.
Для меня Дэтклок среди не-анимэ стоит на особом месте. Делит трон вместе со СпанчБобом. Просто я другие не смотрю, ибо... надоели уже.
Никто не знает, когда выйдет третий сезон, а???
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